Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Week 7: Make a call today. And every day.

We've only barely scratched the surface of this issue with Russia. Could it be that Trump knew Russia was interfering with our election? Guys. If so, this is all-out treason. TREASON, YOU GUYS. 

Keith makes a few points, here:

And to borrow from Michael Moore's task list....here's what can be done about it. Demand your lawmakers demand a federal investigation into the Trump campaign's ties to and knowledge of Russia's interference with the 2016 Election.

1. Call your member of Congress and both Senators every day 

  • 202-225-3121, or 202-224-3121 if the first number is busy.
  • Even if your representative is a Democrat.
  • Even better, call their direct line.
  • For Senators, find their number here.
  • For your member in the House of Representatives, find their number here.
  • Download the app called '5 calls', which dials the phone for you and gives points for speaking to reps.
  • If you'd rather write to them, find the best way to do so by typing in your address here.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Week 6: Take the Survey!!!

First of all, I'm a bit off-track because I'm in the process of a move. But here is a task for the week!

Trump has sent out yet another survey...looking for more praise and adoration and undulation and ugh....

Take this chance and let him know how you ACTUALLY feel about the stunts he's pulled in this first month.

P.s., he was apparently really, really mad that so many resisters "screwed up" the last poll he put out.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Week 2: How to Make Sense of What The Fuck Is Going On.

Last week, I did not blog. My bad! My task last week was to march. I marched in the Women's March in D.C., and last night, I joined an airport protest at the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport. I shouted, I stomped. I drummed, I wept. I'm sure you did, too.

The first week is done. Now, what?

So much was thrown at our country in just two weeks: Russian interference in our election, steamrolling over Native treaties, gagging our scientists and public park officials, disregarding legal precedent for Presidential power, appointing an avowed white supremacist to the National Security Council and so much more. Then, of course, barring the entry of green-card citizens and refugees.

It's terrifying. It's exhausting. And it's only the very beginning.

Task for Week 2: Try to get a sense of the whole picture, not just the individual incidents. 

They add up. Nothing is isolated.

One blogger's thoughts certainly offers some terrifying food for thought.

A selection from the link above:

That is to say, the administration is testing the extent to which the DHS (and other executive agencies) can act and ignore orders from the other branches of government. This is as serious as it can possibly get: all of the arguments about whether order X or Y is unconstitutional mean nothing if elements of the government are executing them and the courts are being ignored.

Yesterday was the trial balloon for a coup d’état against the United States. It gave them useful information.
Don't get fatigued, y'all. Two down. Only 206 weeks left to go (possibly...and hopefully not).